
The impact of mobile technology on communications

The impact of mobile technology on communications

The use of mobile technology has changed significantly in recent years and we hear the claim more and more often that people ‘cannot live’ without their smartphones. Thanks to considerable ongoing technological developments, smartphones have become pocket-sized personal assistants. People increasingly rely on smartphones to record essential information for the day-to-day running of their lives. But what implications do these developments hold for how people consume media?

Who needs a PR agency anyway?

Who needs a PR agency anyway?

In these tough economic times, organisations are under pressure to tighten budgets with each pound that is spent under strict scrutiny. It is no secret that the Communications department and in turn, the PR agency are often the first areas to experience cut-backs. When evaluating out-goings, top-level management might review the spend on PR and deem this an expendable cost - but they tread a dangerous path.

We have moved!

We have moved and you can now find us at our new address: Shaw & Underwood, Suite 5, The Cloisters, 11-12, George Road, Edgbaston, Birmingham, B15 1NP UK

Call us on our new number +44(0) 121 454 5584. Our fax number has also changed, it is: +44 (0) 121 454 2094.

We hope to speak to you soon!