
Foodex - Exhibition stand design

Foodex - Exhibition stand design

The Interfood stand at Foodex this year was the most ambitious yet at the flagship industry exhibition. Augmenting nearly 400sqm of static exhibits, the Interfood stand featured 4 ‘Information Totems’ which used touch-screen technology that enabled visitors to the exhibition the ability to see over 40 working machines in both real and virtual production facilities.

QR Codes

If you've spied what looks like a bar code that has escaped from a supermarket shelf and wondered what it is doing on a poster, an ad, a piece of marketing literature, or even a lorry as it speeds past you on the motorway, then chances are it’s a QR Code. The QR code, or Quick Response code, is designed to provide a quick and easy link to a website or other online material. By using an app on a smartphone (many are available free of charge) and simply scanning the code, you are instantly taken to the relevant online message. We’ve used one on our own website so that you can easily pick up where we are, store the map in your ‘phone and come and see us as often as you like! We’re increasingly using them for clients, so if you’re interested in seeing how they can work for you, get in touch (via your smartphone or otherwise…)

QR code
QR code